Monday, January 3, 2011

What's New?

No talk of New Year's resolutions were made around Acorn Hill. Still, The Main House has undergone some lasting changes for a brighter new year.

When Main House First Lady Mom read a few suggestions in Better Homes magazine on boosting your spirits, she smiled inside knowing that she was ahead of the game. She had already given a couple of rooms a new paint color. Turned out the article was not the suggestion she expected. It suggested a houseplant - not house paint. She admits to not knowing what "palms are a good choice" meant.

New bedding came in the summer. Pillows came for her birthday, and sheets came for Christmas. They go well with paint.

"I'm so thankful for the home improvements. They just make me feel good inside," said Mom. "Some call this 'home blessings.' I like that."

Mom has no plans of taking care of a houseplant. She says that she has enough to take care of.

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