Little Girl: Why is your sister older than you?
Nathaniel Barn Loft: Because she was born before me.
LG: Do you live here? (at the Kollocks)
NBL: No.
LG: Did you drive here?
NBL: No.
LG: Did you get here, in a spaceship?
NBL: No, in a truck.
LG: Why does Sarah have balloons at her building?
NBL: So people know where she is.
LG: What is that? (pointing to instrument)
NBL: This is a dulcimer.
LG: What are fingerpicks?
NBL: Things that I put on my fingers to pic with.
LG: Why does one go on the thumb?
NBL: (demonstration)
LG: Why do you have three pics?
NBL: So I still have one if I lose one.
LG: What if you loose all of them?
NBL: I'll use my fingers.
LG: Is the banjo your dad's?
NBL: No. I bought it.
NBL: No. I bought it.
LG: With your own money?
NBL: Yep.
NBL: Yep.
LG: Who is your dad?
NBL: (pointed)
LG: How long have you been here (festival)?
NBL: Three hours.
LG: How many brothers and sisters do you have? Thirty?
NBL: Four.
NBL: Four.
The little girl's brother entered the conversation, saying he was sorry to Barn Loft. Barn Loft asked why. The brother apologized for his sister, whom he said talks too much. Barn Loft said that he knew about that.