Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Pretty Pens?

It came about when Sarah Daffodil ate at a local restaurant. A fake flower taped to a pen was the answer to her chewed-on pen woes.

Granted, the restaurant has flowers taped to their pens so that the pens won't walk off by mistake. Daffodil longed for a solution to having a pen that wouldn't be gnawed on. She quickly discovered that when more than one flower pen is made, it becomes a boquet.

She made a boquet for Main House First Lady Mom for her birthday. This one has a fall look. Since then she has used poinesetta leaves for her Christmas-themed pens.

To make flower pens, you will need:

-fake flowers or other foilage
-containter or vase

First, cut stems apart. Now tape a stem onto a pen. Arrange flower pens in a container or a vase.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Picture Time Again

Once again Acorn Hill citizens gathered around the tree for their traditional Christmas picture. This was the first year that Sweet Melody Fishes joined this event.

Main House President Dad sets the timer then races to the side for the photo. Nathaniel Barn Loft and Sarah Daffodil control Fishes and Queen Esther Hunts. However, Hunts crossed in front of the camera at one point. Mayor Asher Ply Wood held onto his close friend Autumn Fern while Main House First Lady Mom held her close friend Pastor Eli Hemlock.

Fern, no longer able to stand her tights, quickly put her pants on - one pair on her legs and one on her head.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Fern Reads

Learning is catchy. As Mayor Asher Ply Wood learned to read, Autumn Fern worked on puzzles and caught onto Ply Wood's lessons.

To Main House First Lady Mom, it seemed like Fern was ready to start reading lessons. Fern knew the sounds the letters made from practicing with flash cards. Mom thought she would give reading a try - earlier than her April plan.

Fern enjoyed lessons 1-18 and is looking forward to more lessons with stories in them.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Field of Dreams

The sinking sun, the tall golden grass, the warm air and the adventurous spirits of Acorn Hill citizens was the right mix for a field trip.

With camera in hand Main House First Lady Mom clicked away. No one left this field trip having learned a lot. They simply enjoyed each other, the field, the time.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Old Hat, New Hat -- Glad for Two Hats

Some years ago Main House First Lady made it out of MSU with her cafeteria hat. Today it serves as Gavroche's hat.
Mom regretted not having her college roommate's hat, too. With two Gavroches living in the Main House, the two had to take turns. "At times this got pretty emotional," said Mom.
Sarah Daffodil got inspired to transform one of the tens of hats of Main House President Dad's. She covered the hat in a heavy canvas to manipulate the shape of the hat. Then she covered it with a brown material and made a patriotic emblem on the side.

Mom said that she did not realize how much she looked like the Les Miserables character Gavroche while she served in the cafeteria.

(The real Gavroche from the musical was the inspiration for these costumes.)

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Cars- Icing on the Cake

Everyone at Acorn Hill knew it was a special day. Pastor Eli Hemlock did not know that the special day was in honor of his life. And what life he gives to Acorn Hill!

Once again the master cake baker/decorator, Sarah Daffodil, made a peanut butter cake that took the cake. All Hemlock could say was "cars." He actually did not take cake. Hemlock just played with his cars, which had topped his cake. He also enjoyed his other gifts.

After two years of not saying much, Hemlock looks forward to saying what he is thinking in the upcoming year. Residents of Acorn Hill look forward to this too.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Harvest Festival

Above is a slideshow from last Saturday.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Mom, Ply Wood Celebrate Birthdays

For unavoidable reasons, a run of early-morning birthday parties have taken place at The Main House. The latest two were for Main House First Lady Mom and Mayor Asher Ply Wood. Both were definitely surprised.

Mom's birthday was first. She received several unique gifts including earrings made by a friend. Sarah Daffodil made a peanut butter cheesecake. Mom says it's the best she ever had.

Mayor Asher Ply Wood was surprised to find soldiers climbing up his cake. His favorite gift at The Main House party was not the baseball glove, the wiffle balls or the remote control truck. It was the cake.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Hemlock Enjoys Haircut

A first haircut can be quite traumatic. Not so for Pastor Eli Hemlock.

It was time - probably past time - for Hemlock to have his hair cut. Main House First Lady Mom went after his red curly locks with her pink-handled scissors and chopped where she could. Hemlock sat on Main House President Dad's lap while Dad held his head. This made him laugh.

"He'll never have curls again," Mayor Asher Ply Wood said. From the looks of things, the mayor was wrong.

Fern Turns Four

It isn't every day that birthdays are celebrated at 8 a.m. at Acorn Hill. Autumn Fern's was an exception - for an exceptional girl.

Pink, white, gifts, cupcakes and candy filled Fern's eyes. "Is this for me?" Fern asked. "I like surprises!" She jumped up and down with the biggest smile she's capable of having.
As part of the celebration, everyone took a turn telling Fern what they like about her. "She plays with me; I like what you make; Your joy..." were just a few things mentioned. All of the gifts were well received - as were the cupcakes.

Nathaniel Barn Loft said that Fern's party was too early and went back to bed.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Barn Loft Predicts Sales

As Main House President Dad, Sarah Daffodil and Nathaniel Barn Loft headed out for a fall celebration, Barn Loft predicted Daffodil's sales - one big doll, ten small dolls and five sheep.

While Barn Loft played his dulcimer and Dad enjoyed the festival, Daffodil met people and made corn husk dolls. One little girl had the option of buying food or buying one of Daffodil's small dolls. She chose a doll. A few girls had the option of having their faces painted or buying a doll. They chose dolls. Daffodil did sell one big doll and her little dolls were adding up. Daffodil almost called Barn Loft, "creepy." She ended up selling one large doll and eleven small dolls. She didn't sell any sheep.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

One of Four

Balloons moving subtly, streamers hung with care, packages anticipating liberation, cake waiting to be eaten and Acorn Hill Citizens ready to party all staged behind the Main House front door. Who were they waiting for? Main House President Dad was the person of honor.

Dad opened his gifts first. He received a fishing pole and a sword made by Mayor Asher Ply Wood. After the party there would be fishing in the Muddy River. Sourwood honey was in the next bag. He'll put it on the biscuits Sarah Daffodil will make. He'll also enjoy the honey in coffee from his new coffee mugs. Next Dad opened a framed picture of Daffodil and Barn Loft with some of our favorite people. It was promptly hung.

Next came cake, the first of at least four cakes in October. Dad's was a sweet potato cake with cream cheese and pecan frosting. Everyone liked it.

"The cake was delicious, and it reminded me of fall, and I already have begun enjoying my presents," said Main House President Dad, who was surprised and delighted by the birthday celebration.

Earlier in the day, while Dad, Daffodil and Nathaniel Barn Loft were away, watching a play, the rest of the citizens prepared for the celebration. They started with the balloons. Four of the 15 balloons popped. Queen Esther Hunts does not like balloons - especially when they pop.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Weeping Doctors

With the rapid swipe of a pen doctors leave their signatures - much like the careful swipe of an 18-month-old toddler. They are known for their signatures, but they have nothing on Main House President Dad.

For years Main House First Lady Mom has been bewildered by Dad's writing. "I rarely know what he has written. It's hard for me to believe that he can read it." Read it he does. As a freelance outdoor writer, Dad must be able to read his notes from telephone interviews.

"I had a hard time keeping my writing neat while in school. I tried hard and never understood why it had to be so neat," says Dad.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Red House

Clarkesville continues to undergo changes. The Wendy's is looking more like a restaurant, Starbucks will take a stand in the local grocery store. "Clarkesville has nothing compared to the changes made in Acorn Hill," said Main House President Dad.

While Nathaniel Barn Loft and Dad were on an 11-day trip, First Lady Mom and Sarah Daffodil made changes to The Main House. Just a couple of years after Mom thought to herself that the next time the house would be painted it would be by Barn Loft, she painted it red. "I liked the idea of having a red house. I didn't think I'd go SO red. I was inspired by our friends' red house."

Mom also deep-cleaned Barn Loft's room, finding hidden space. Finding hidden space in The Main House is a new endeavor for her. "I have found space in the office and in the dining room too," she said with a smile on her face.

Daffodil painted a rug on the floor of Barn Loft's dulcimer area. It is in greens, black, white and brown. She painted two of his prettiest dulcimers on it. Barn Loft was pleased.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Fish Stories

Something that makes Acorn Hill "Acorn Hill" is fish. They are vital to the economy. They bring joy to its citizens and beauty to the eye.
Nathaniel Barn Loft had the fish fight of his life at Wheeler Lake in Alabama. Sliding 3 feet across the boat deck and working every arm and leg muscle, he reeled in a 60-pound blue catfish. Click here for more details.

Sarah Daffodil's fish took a little more time and precision. Gluing down money plant, tomato skin and various other plant materials, she created a brown trout. Click here for more details.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Making Music from Trash

One early morning Main House First Lady Mom became very curious about the neighbor's trash. Main House President Dad accompanied her to the site to find that it was in fact a wash tub.

The two liked it enough to bring it home. Dad figured it would make a nice planter. However, after Nathaniel Barn Loft spotted it, it became a dream. Barn Loft had the deep desire to make it into a wash tub bass - and he did.

Mayor Asher Ply Wood plays the bass well, which makes for good accompaniment with Barn Loft's Banjammer.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Tis What Season?

Spring, summer, winter, fall. Acorn Hill had them all... in one day.

It is time for another season to change. Main House First Lady Mom likes to bring on the fall by decorating early. Mayor Asher Ply Wood, Autumn Fern and Pastor Eli Hemlock happily helped.
Mom also likes it when someone cooks dinner. That's what Nathaniel Barn Loft did. He made burgers on the grill, a favorite summertime meal for Acorn Hill Citizens.

Sarah Daffodil had her focus on making corn husk Nativities, so she played Christmas music to help set the mood.

All of the while, Main House President Dad worked on writing spring fish stories. Magazines commonly work several months ahead, so Dad often has his seasons confused.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

From Tree to Table

Applesauce is a big deal in the Main House. When Main House First Lady Mom made some, it was a big deal to her.

The latest applesauce at the Main House table was made from apples that had fallen from a tree during a hard rain. A friend gathered them up and gave them to Mom. She was glad to receive them. Not one for wasting anything, she knew that making applesauce would be the most efficient way to prevent this from happening.
Thanks to a recipe online, Mom learned of the basic ingredients and the method for making this treat. "I'm really glad that this applesauce doesn't come from a jar from the grocery store," said Mom. "Mayor Asher Ply Wood can't get enough of it."

The last time Mom tried making applesauce was 35 years ago. She picked a lot of crab apples from her best climbing tree in the back yard. She figured that a hammer would really get them mashed. She soon learned that they were hard to hold and that when she would actually hit one it would dart off.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Autumn Fern's Recipe Corner

A creative girl must create! That's just what Autumn Fern did. Below are two recipes that brought her joy.

Acorn Hill Peanut Butter Cookies
graham crackers - as many as you want
peanut butter-enough to make sandwiches
Cool Whip
chocolate chips
1. Make a sandwich with the graham crackers and peanut butter. 2. Dip the sandwich in milk. 3. Place sandwich in a container that will go into the freezer. 4. Spread with cool whip. 5. Sprinkle with chocolate chips.

Acorn Hill's Favorite Play Clay
1 cup flour
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1 cup water
1/2 cup salt
2 tsp cream of tartar
Mix all ingredients and heat, stirring constantly, until ball forms. Nice add-ins: flavor extract for scent, glitter, food coloring

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Meet the Mayor (again)

Close to six years ago, Mayor Asher Ply Wood took up his residence in Acorn Hill. In an effort to help Acorn Hill subscribers to get to know our community people better, a member of our staff sat down with Ply Wood and asked him several questions.

Acorn Hill Staff: What is your favorite color?
Ply Wood: Red.

AHS: What is your favorite food?
PW: Chinese food.

AHS: What do you think about Nathaniel Barn Loft?
PW: I like him.

AHS: What do you think about Sarah Daffodil?
PW: I like her.

AHS: What do you think about Autumn Fern?
PW: A bunch of things. I couldn't tell you everything.

AHS: What do you think about Pastor Eli Hemlock?
PW: He's a baby.

AHS: Where is your favorite place to be?
PW: Home.

AHS: Do you think you will be an artist?
PW: No. I'm going to sell trucks for a thousand bucks.

AHS: What is your favorite season?
PW: Autumn. (Fern said, "that's good".)

AHS: What is your favorite flower?
PW: red roses.

AHS: Who is your favorite character in Les Miserables?
PW: Gavroche.

The well-loved mayor of Acorn Hill looks forward to serving for many more years.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Practice Makes Concert

At the beginning of the year, the end of July seemed very far off. Yesterday it was in the face of Nathaniel Barn Loft, who actually had been preparing for his concert for a few years.

No, Barn Loft didn't know what he would play or what he would say until a few weeks ago. But with Barn Loft's desire to play the music he loves and the experience of competitions and teaching, he was ready for all eyes to be on him for an hour - all 200 eyes, as it turned out.

At the last minute Main House President Dad learned that Barn Loft would need his own sound system. Dad and Barn Loft are thankful for the local music shop that sold them their "sound system in a box." Dad and Barn Loft had to do some quick learning about how to use it and how to set it up. They are also thankful for a friend's counsel. With much prayer Barn Loft handled his equipment gracefully, delivering his dulcimer notes clearly and at a good volume and not hurting anyone's ears with feedback.

The only feedback Barn Loft got was encouragement.

Thank you to all who came out and all who wanted to come.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Tea for Three

In different parts of the world you simply have tea at the tired time of the day. At Acorn Hill a tea party can happen when you least expect it.

Tea parties have been revived from when Sarah Daffodil hosted them. Autumn Fern is the new hostess, although she does not care for being one. She told Main House First Lady Mom that she would rather be served.

The attendees, in addition to Mom are, Mayor Asher Ply Wood, Pastor Eli Hemlock and Autumn Fern. The "tea" is hot chocolate most of the time. It is never tea. The party enjoys whatever food is on hand, like cheese and crackers, grapes and chocolate chips. The conversation is solely, "More tea please."

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Acorn Hill Shorts

Thud! Autumn Fern falls out of bed and cuts her lip.

Higher and higher rises Mayor Asher Ply Wood's tower. His foundation has been made sturdy, which allows the great height. A brave army guy crowns the top. Ply Wood is proud.

Mayor Asher Ply Wood, Autumn Fern and Pastor Eli Hemlock enjoy food, fun and fellowship at their spaghetti dinner.

Sarah Daffodil enjoys spinning with her new spinning wheel. She has spinned wool and angora.

Pastor Eli Hemlock discovers just how high he can jump.

Acorn Hill loans out Nathaniel Barn Loft as a volunteer to help keep Clarkesville beautiful.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Les Addicted?

It all started with a Christmas gift- a hardcover Les Miserables by Victor Hugo. Not a day goes by when this book, musical, movie or cd set isn't referred to in the Main House.

Those in Sarah Daffodil's path get to hear what she read the night before in the breakfast hour. Sometimes she reads sections aloud. Mayor Asher Ply Wood and Autumn Fern enjoy re-enacting the barricades scene. At dinnertime clean-up, Daffodil and Nathaniel Barn Loft can be overheard discussing the story. When Pastor Eli Hemlock needs direction, Daffodil is more than pleased to show him scenes of the musical or the movie trailer.

Daffodil's interest in Les Miserables have lead to studies of Napoleon, the Battle at Waterloo, social justice, character studies and early 1800s French society, so far.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Denim Takes on New Life

Can you believe Caring and Sharing was having a $4 bag sale the same day that Sarah Daffodil set her mind to make personalized skirts? What a thrill. What a frenzy.

Daffodil attacked the jumper rack, which would provide big pieces of denim material. There were all sorts of shades of blue denim. When mom suggested some green denim where the jeans hung, Daffodil's eyes widened. The jean rack became her next victim.
The sewing machine got busy catching up to Daffodil's designer mind. She successfully made a skirt with purple irises, one with whimsical flowers, a plain striped skirt and a fish skirt. Daffodil does not plan to stop with these. Want one?

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Resigned to Reconstruction

Founders of the city of Acorn Hill are reluctantly giving in to change. Sarah Daffodil wants to preserve the history while Main House First Lady Mom says, "Clean it up or let go."

Several years ago roads and buildings were constructed in Acorn Hill. The roads are in good condition; however, some of the structures have suffered considerable deterioration.

Mom asked Daffodil about the state of these buildings more than once. Recently Daffodil came to terms with the wreckage. It was hard for her to give the OK to Mom for the tearing down of Nathaniel Barn Loft's workshop. She gave in since she knew that Mom really wanted her to. First she put memorabilia in the bank.

Mom told Barn Loft to get out his pocket knife to cut the yarn holding the bread trays together. Main House President Dad also had knife in hand to cut the yarn that held Hearts A Burstin' flower shop together. Both buildings have somewhat of a foundation remaining.

Residents look forward to extending gardens in these new areas.