Sunday, July 11, 2010

Les Addicted?

It all started with a Christmas gift- a hardcover Les Miserables by Victor Hugo. Not a day goes by when this book, musical, movie or cd set isn't referred to in the Main House.

Those in Sarah Daffodil's path get to hear what she read the night before in the breakfast hour. Sometimes she reads sections aloud. Mayor Asher Ply Wood and Autumn Fern enjoy re-enacting the barricades scene. At dinnertime clean-up, Daffodil and Nathaniel Barn Loft can be overheard discussing the story. When Pastor Eli Hemlock needs direction, Daffodil is more than pleased to show him scenes of the musical or the movie trailer.

Daffodil's interest in Les Miserables have lead to studies of Napoleon, the Battle at Waterloo, social justice, character studies and early 1800s French society, so far.

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