Sunday, August 22, 2010

From Tree to Table

Applesauce is a big deal in the Main House. When Main House First Lady Mom made some, it was a big deal to her.

The latest applesauce at the Main House table was made from apples that had fallen from a tree during a hard rain. A friend gathered them up and gave them to Mom. She was glad to receive them. Not one for wasting anything, she knew that making applesauce would be the most efficient way to prevent this from happening.
Thanks to a recipe online, Mom learned of the basic ingredients and the method for making this treat. "I'm really glad that this applesauce doesn't come from a jar from the grocery store," said Mom. "Mayor Asher Ply Wood can't get enough of it."

The last time Mom tried making applesauce was 35 years ago. She picked a lot of crab apples from her best climbing tree in the back yard. She figured that a hammer would really get them mashed. She soon learned that they were hard to hold and that when she would actually hit one it would dart off.

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