As Sarah Daffodil did last minute primping to corn husk dolls, Nathaniel Barn Loft ran his fingers along his fret board. Both preparing for the 49th Annual Mountain Laurel Festival. Daffodil and her corn husk dolls took their place at the festival for the third year. She says that she is very thankful to have a place at the Mauldin House Gardens to display her work. Barn Loft took his place on the porch of the Big Holly Cabin where he played his dulcimer with fellow bluegrass friends. Autumn Fern was set on having her face painted by her friend Miss Cecile. "Autumn usually paints her own face. This was a real treat for her," said Main House First Lady Mom. Mayor Asher Ply Wood simply enjoyed everything.
Acorn Hill is a happy little place in North Georgia, where citizens encourage one another daily and put a premium on productivity. Acorn Hill includes four towns, numerous buildings and a network of roads, but much activity (and all sleeping) takes place in the Main House, which stands outside the limits of all four towns. Citizens include Main House President Dad, Main House First Lady Mom, Sarah Daffodil (artist), Nathaniel Barn Loft (musician), Mayor Asher Ply Wood (spark plug), Autumn Fern (princess) and Pastor Eli Hemlock (teacher). Queen Esther Hunts, Melody Fishes and Kenneth Hikes (four legged) also reside in Acorn Hill. A critical guiding passage for Main House President Dad and First Lady Mom is Deuteronomy 6:6,7 - And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: and thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.
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