Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Ply Wood Branches Out

Finding cars in the tent from a previous camping trip and catching five fish, Mayor Asher Ply Wood had his weekend start off with much excitement.

As a student of Nathaniel Barn Loft, Ply Wood played two songs on the Open Stage at a dulcimer gathering at Hard Labor Creek State Park in Rutledge, Georgia. Barn Loft helped him warm up for the show. Ply Wood also helped the festival's host committee in various ways. That evening and the next, Main House President Dad, Barn Loft and Ply Wood camped, and on the second day of fishing he caught three catfish.

After this dulcimer gathering was another - Grand Old Dulcimer Day in Nashville, Tenn. The next morning began a day of fishing with dulcimer friends. Ply Wood said that he caught more fish than he could count. "I unhooked a lot of fish, and I caught a lot of them. I had a good time," said Ply Wood.

When asked how he caught so many fish, Ply Wood replied that it was because he had "magic underwear."

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